Discover the answers to the questions we get asked most often.

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Which payment methods are accepted?

VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Google Pay, Maestro, Shop Pay, Union Pay, Apple Pay, and PayPal are all accepted forms of payment.

How can I find out whether my payment was received?

An automatic email verifying your order will be sent to you once it is complete. Please hold onto this email until your shipment arrives. Check your spam or junk folder if it's not there.

How can my package be tracked?

Within 24 hours of your order being dispatched, you will receive an email with a shipment confirmation number that will let you track your product.

How much time does it take to process orders before they are shipped?

Within one to three business days, every order is processed. Please be aware that weekends and holidays are not when processing takes place.

What are the approximate delivery timelines and shipping costs?

For all orders, we provide standard free shipping with an expected 8–12 day delivery time.

Do you offer worldwide shipping?

Yes, we provide international shipping.

How can I get in touch with customer service?

Our customer service team can be contacted by email at support@orbofvitality.com

or through the contact form on our website.